But what about those leaders who shaped our behavior and management style because of the negative example they have set? 但你有没有想过,有一些领导者由于其树立的反面例子,也塑造了我们的行为和管理风格?
The Rightists are very good teachers by negative example. 右派是很好的反面教员。
To discern positive and negative example fully, feature subset selection plays a great role in learning from examples. 特征选择是示例学习的关键,直接关系到获取的概念的优劣。
China has always had teachers by both positive and negative example. 我们中国历来如此,有正面的教员,有反面的教员。
We have had a good many teachers by negative example, such as Japan, the United States, Chiang Kai-shek, Chen Tu-hsiu, Li Li-san, Wang Ming, Chang Kuo-tao and Kao Kang. 我们有很多反面教员,如日本、美国、蒋介石、陈独秀、李立三、王明、张国焘、高岗。
For instance, a bad fellow like Wang Ming plays a good role as a teacher by negative example. 比如,象王明这样的坏人,就起着反面教员的好作用。
Let them stay on in their own unit but strip them of their political capital, isolate them and use them as teachers by negative example. 要留在原单位,剥夺他的一切政治资本,使他孤立起来,利用他当反面教员。
While many are against such practices, what we have before us is a negative example that proves to be a huge success. 有人大力鞭斥,摆在眼前的,却是负面的成功例子。
The falser their words and the greater their mistakes, the better, and the more isolated they will become and the better they will educate the people by negative example. 他们讲的话越错越好,犯的错误越大越好,这样他们就越孤立,就越能从反面教育人民。
Without going into the details of caching service call results, I will give you a negative example from project experience, so you can avoid the described pitfall. 不用深入研究高速缓存服务调用结果的详细情况,我将给您举一个项目经历中的反面实例,可以使您避免所描述的缺陷。
He too was one of our good teachers by negative example and he educated our Party. 他也是我们的一个很好的反面教员,教育了我们党。
We paid a very high price to learn from these teachers by negative example. 向这些反面教员学习,付出了很大的代价。
It must be understood that Rightists are persons who teach us by negative example. 要知道,右派是从反面教导我们的人。
They were all our teachers by negative example and we were their pupils. 他们都是我们的反面教员,我们是他们的学生。
It may serve as teaching material by negative example. 它可以作反面教材。
Japanese imperialism was our first top-flight teacher by negative example. 日本帝国主义是我们第一个大好的反面教员。
The perverse acts of the reactionaries taught the people by negative example. 反动派的倒行逆施从反面教育了人民。
We had another good teacher by negative example in Li li-san. 我们还有一个很好的反面教员,就是李立三。
In another side it held up the industrial and commercial development of modern China badly and turned to be a negative example of tax. 另一方面却严重阻碍了中国近代工商业的发展,成为病商扰民的恶税。
The loss of national capital has been a negative example of our economical reform and macro-management. 国有资产流失问题,已成为困扰我国经济改革和宏观管理的一大难题。
The author gives a negative example to show its limitation when the formula of the point number series is used in the textbook for Statistics. 对现行统计教材中时点数列的公式给予反例说明其应用的局限性。
CAP is suitable for not only the cases of positive and negative example sets with specified concept but also the case of positive example set. CAP算法既适用于给定概念的正例集,也适用于仅提供正例集的情况,并能根据用户对精度的不同要求得到不同精度的分类规则。
Discussion on Cauchy distribution and its application in probability as negative example Cauchy分布及其作为反例在概率中的应用
A negative example shows that the model given by Mason Iri is used to prove that the relationship between the minimum flow problem and the Hamiltonian path problem in a ( directed) network, is not rigorous. MasonIri论证了网络最小流问题可以在多项式时间内转换为哈密顿问题的模型与方法。
The negative example and reductio ad adsurdum Proof obtain an interesting application in statistical mathematic. 反例和反证法是数学中常用的方法,在统计数学中也有许多有趣的应用。
Owing to their lopsided cognition and irrationality of their expectations, parents 'notion of education through labor is deviated, neglecting the home education through labor and even regarding it as a negative example. 由于认识上的片面性和期望的不合理性;家长的劳动教育观念发生偏离。忽视家庭劳动教育甚至视其为反面教材鞭策自我。
It witnesses the double degenerations of Japanese literature and writers, and draws out the clear course of its war orientation, in order to offer some warns and lessons from this negative example. 《文艺阵地》见证了日本文学与日本作家的双重堕落,将其战时化的轨迹清晰地勾勒出来,作为反例,以资警鉴。
Each financial crisis is the best negative example for every financial practitioners, especially this one. 每一次经济危机都是经济从业人员的最好的反面教材,这次次贷危机也不例外,尤其是对于有志于从事银行研究的金融从业人员。
The scoring model uses concepts both in positive example set and negative example set to guide the selection process, and adopts active learning strategy with stochastic gradient descent algorithm to update parameter. 打分模型使用正例概念集合和反例概念集合来引导筛选过程,采用主动学习策略结合随机梯度下降算法更新参数。